Is AI coming to get you?

I’ve written before about the next generation of programmers, and wondering how they’ll be prepared for the future of technology. I learned to program by writing small games that mimicked other games that were available at the time, and then utilities to help me in my day to day work at college and then in employment. Since my last post on the subject there have been quite a few changes in the field.

Google has launched programming courses (and games to help you get into the right mindset). Schools in the UK are teaching programming, and ChatGPT might make the whole thing irrelevant.

With the ability of ChatGPT to write code, demos have been created that show what a custom operating system would look like and be capable of.

You need a calculator app? There’s not one built in, but the AI can write one for you and it will function perfectly. In fact, it can even write games, and create the graphics.

The current downside is that it is exceptionally slow. It can take several minutes to generate the calculator app, and if you want to do a quick calculation, that’s not really helpful.

However, the complaint has always been that computers are too slow. Some optimization in both software and hardware will fix this, and we’re that much closer to the science fiction ideal of talking to our computers and letting them do all the work.

Additionally, AI “agents” are making an appearance. These are tools that perform a function – you can perhaps think of them as research assistants. They’ll do the donkey work (Charlie work?) for you, and give you the answers you need in a nicely formatted document. You could set one up as a graphic designer, one as a copywriter, one as a marketer, and get your business off the ground in next to no time.

Or set one up as a programmer and let it worry about syntax and structure rather than having to do it yourself.

But what about gamers? With the rise of esports and competitive gaming, it’s clear that gaming is becoming its own profession, requiring a unique set of skills and knowledge.

It can be argued that programming and gaming are quite similar in many ways. Both require an ability to think critically and problem-solve, as well as an understanding of the rules that govern their respective worlds.

Gaming requires a set of core skills – such as hand-eye coordination, decision making, and strategic thinking – that can also be found in programming.

Plus, with the rise of AI, gaming is becoming more like programming than ever before. Games are now able to generate their own content, and AI is being used in game design to create more dynamic experiences.

So, while programming and gaming may seem like two entirely separate disciplines, they actually have quite a lot in common. Those who are looking to pursue a career in either field could benefit from learning the other in order to gain an advantage. Both require problem-solving and critical thinking, as well as knowledge of the rules that govern their respective worlds.

Regardless of whether you are looking to pursue a career in programming or gaming, having an understanding of both disciplines can help give you the edge when it comes to decision-making and creating dynamic experiences. And who knows – maybe the future of technology lies somewhere in the middle, with an AI-driven game development platform that could revolutionize the industry. Only time will tell!

Perhaps the singularity will occur when AI designs and programs the games, and an AI agent is deployed to play them. What will we do with all this free time?

Get a programmer to update the AI backend, of course.