How to get your Fiverr gig noticed

Why do you have a Fiverr gig? Well, if you’re like everyone else on the Fiverr platform, you want to make some sales and generate some income. You might just want a little spare money to spend on treats for yourself, or you might be attempting to build a full time income from the site – in either case, you need to get your gig noticed to start making some sales.

But how do you stand out on Fiverr?

Fiverr is a Visual Response Search Engine

Using keywords and other optimization techniques will enable you to show up more effectively in the search listings on Fiverr, but just showing up doesn’t guarantee any clicks or purchases.

Even the top result on Fiverr won’t get sales unless it is noticeable – people may just skip past it. The easiest way to make an impact on Fiverr and get noticed is to choose a main image to represent your gig that REALLY stands out.

This means choosing an image or colours that stand out, something that differentiates you from the rest. Listen, it’s really simple – if people don’t click through to your gig description, they’re never going to see the wonderful words and great offers you have, they’ll just see the same boring stock photo that everyone else uses.

Don’t rely on having text in the image as people won’t focus too much on that. Does it say something important? If people aren’t reading it, does it matter? The only way that you’ll get them to click is by intriguing them enough to find out what’s behind the image.

Include your smiling face, or something related to the gig you are offering – but make it a little wacky. If you edit photos, don’t use the Photoshop logo or a picture of a camera, edit a photo to the extreme and use that.

Do voiceovers? Use a real up-close photo of your mouth. Create websites? Show yourself in the process of designing something great…but wear a silly hat.

Does it look 100% professional? No. But if people wanted 100% professional, they’d be on LinkedIn, not Fiverr. Does it grab attention and boost your sales? You bet it does!

Great reviews, keyword optimized gigs, and offering a service people really want to buy are always a good start – but showing them something that stands out visually is sure to gain attention and is likely to lead to higher sales.

Give it a try. You know you want to.