Recicember Day 17: Mince Pie Tart

Christmas and pies go together like…erm…Easter and bonnets? So why not turn the pie into a tart and be done with the whole thing?

Today’s Recicember is ridiculously simple. Well, for me at least. There are two ingredients. A pastry case, and some mincemeat. If you recall, the premise of Recicember is that I post pictures of food I have made for every day in December. It doesn’t have to be complicated!

I do feel it worth mentioning that this is a family effort, as the mincemeat was made by my mum and dad. None of that shop bought rubbish here! Except for the pastry. That was shop bought. So all in all, a little bit of that shop bought rubbish here…

Step by step detailed instructions

  1. Turn oven on, around gas mark 4
  2. Unwrap pastry case
  3. Remove mincemeat from jar with spoon
  4. Put mincemeat in case
  5. Level it. Kind of.
  6. Bung it in the oven
  7. Take it out after about 12 minutes
  8. Eat

See? 8 steps to make a two ingredient tart. It’s not difficult to write simple instructions!

It’s a short entry today, but it’s a tasty one!

TL;DR: Mincemeat tart. Ingredients: Mincemeat, tart.

Mincemeat tart



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